NIPSCO is the leading electric and gas service provider in northern Indiana, serving over 821,000 natural gas customers and 468,000 electric customers across the region. It’s also the largest natural gas distribution company and the second largest electric distribution company in the state. Their vision, promise and plan to customers is to be a relentless champion of safety, service and comfort, investing millions every year to provide safe, reliable services by expanding systems and replacing aging facilities. NIPSCO understands that low fuel costs and sustainable energy resources are important to their customers. By partnering with diverse suppliers, their top priorities are safety, customer satisfaction and sustainability.
NIPSCO is part of NiSource, the highest-ranked utility on Forbes’ list of America’s Best Large Employers, fostering an inclusive, diverse workplace where every member of the team is valued and respected. Along with a great workforce, the company also plays a large part in local communities through various partnerships, volunteering, charitable giving and economic development.
Providing customers with excellent service is not the only priority at NIPSCO. They also have made sure services are done with responsibility to the environment, investing in cleaner air and water quality, reducing carbon emissions, supporting renewable energy and funding land restoration projects. They also offer programs to help customers reduce their own impact, such as the Energy Efficiency Incentives, Green Power and customer-owned electric generation from renewables. NIPSCO also currently owns and operates two hydroelectric plants in northern Indiana that provide electricity to customers across the service area.
The company also delivers on their promise of providing safe, sustainable solutions through their “Your Energy Your Future” (YEYF) customer-centric strategy. This is a company priority aimed at identifying and executing strategic initiatives that enhance long-term, risk-adjusted value delivered to customers, investors and other stakeholders through the energy services NIPSCO provides. The YEYF strategy positions NIPSCO to reduce their carbon emissions by over 90 percent by 2028. Renewable energy will make up nearly two-thirds of the energy they generate, trading places with the position coal occupies in their energy mix today.
Cleaner, lower-cost energy makes the northern Indiana region more attractive to employers and residents alike. Investment in this new generation will bring both construction and long-term operating and maintenance jobs, along with enhancing tax bases.
Learn more about the Northern Indiana Public Service Company today and how they work to help the Northwest Indiana region by visiting their website at